Health Benefits Of Cinnamon

Cinnamon has a very long history both as a spice and as a medicine and those who have deep and serious connection with cooking and ingredients would agree with me that you can change the whole flavor of a dish with the simple and spicy stick, and it is one of the very main and the important ingredient of so many cousins, and  you can use it to treat so many issues too and you can use it to get healthy lifestyle too and here are some simple ways that you can use to get healthy lifestyle with Cinnamon.

Health Benefits Of Cinnamon

Cinnamon has a very nice fragrance and a sweet, warm sharp taste and if you have never tried that ever before then you should instantly and you would see how great and how yummy it taste and all of the health benefits of Cinnamon comes from the essential oils found in the bark which has so many active components called cinnamaldehyde, cinnamyl acetate and cinnamyl alcohol and that is the main reason of so many healthy and medical inventions…

Controls Blood Sugar:- we all know that diabetes is not something that you can ignore it and you have to maintain a regular food and healthy pick to get a healthy and proper life with that and Cinnamon has significant benefits for people with Type 2 diabetes as it not only helps their body respond to insulin, it is very good to regulate the blood sugar levels too and stimulates the insulin receptors and inhibit an enzyme that inactivates them and help the cells to get in good productivity eventually,  and you just need to take less than one-half teaspoon per day to get a hold on blood sugar levels and if you don’t know who to use it then you just need to take some on your food or your morning oatmeal or cereal or you can use a small pinch to your evening tea or coffee too….

Boosts Brain Function: – Cinnamon is very good to treat the brain and neurons and if one is getting some symptoms of mood swing or depression then cinnamon is best thing for you and you can get a strong and healthy memory with that too, and fragrance can enhance cognitive processing and greatly improve brain functioning related to attention, virtual recognition memory, working memory, and visual-motor speed too and if for that you just to start and end your day with cinnamon tea with a nit honey in it…

Heart Disease: – Cinnamon is loaded with various anti-inflammatory properties and that make cinnamon a very effective agent to get a safe and healthy heart and surrounding arteries from damage and infection. Cinnamon is not only a very healthy and natural ingredient to deal with bad cholesterol and other unhealthy fats too…

Health Benefits Of Garlic

Today we are going to talk about some simple benefits of garlic and we are going to show you how magical and how amazing it is not only for your stomach and you weight, but for your system and heat, if you see deeply then you would know that it is loaded with medicinal ingredient allicin, which has antibacterial, antiviral, anti fungal and antioxidant properties and this small beautiful and yummy things I loaded with vitamins and nutrients including vitamins A, B, B2 and C, as well as protein, potassium, calcium, zinc, copper, iron, selenium, manganese and many many more.

Lowers Cholesterol Level: – According to the authentic and proven studies, eating 600 mg to 900 mg of garlic everyday not only lowers cholesterol level and reduces arterial plaque formation by 5% to 18%, but it actually kill all the chances of mouth cancer too as it is loaded with antioxidant properties and it kill the harmful free radicals which are the main and strong reason of skin and mouth cancer and it blocks the liver from making too much LDL too and control the LDL cholesterol levels eventually.

Reduces Arthritis Pain: – you would say that what is the logic, but if you are bothered with the terrible pain then you need to give it a try, it not only reduce the pain of pain and other symptoms in people with rheumatoid arthritis and if you want to treat it optically then you need to add it with hot aloe lotion  and apply and rub it all over your joints and cover for a while and you will see relief instantly and it is very much proven that garlic also help reducing inflammation associated with various forms of arthritis in the joints and body.

Reduces Weight: – Many researchers proved that anti-inflammatory property in garlic helps regulate the formation of fat cells in the body and it also make the metabolism run faster and Garlic also very helpful due to the essential oils and its low molecular weight sugars and if one start eating raw garlic or garlic supplements twice a day then that one can maintain a healthy body weight in very short time of period.

Lowers Sugar Level: – Garlic is very helpful in regulating the blood sugar levels  as it increase the secretion of insulin in diabetics and if you cannot eat row garlic then you can start taking garlic supplement everyday to get stabilized blood sugar levels as well it prevent diabetes among people who have greater risk of developing the disease.

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