How to Boost Metabolism To Lose Weight At Home

Boost metabolism have you ever thought that all these slimmer and chick girls around you who keep eating everything and they still maintain the healthy body and they still look slimmer and prettier? Well the answer is the running metabolism, they keep their metabolism running all the time and their body keep burning the fat, even when then don’t even do anything to make it run faster, when you go on diet, you actually slow down your metabolism and you start getting bigger, but if you eat after every 2 or 3 hours, you keep your metabolism work harder for your body and this is the best way to lose weight, you just need to pick the right food and then you can eat whatever you like and today I am sharing a list of foods which can make your metabolism run as faster as it can…


How to Boost Metabolism At Home

Hot peppers

If you ask me one name of food which can make your metabolism rub faster than ever, than I will say eat something hot, not hot temperature, but hot flavor and what is hotter than chilies, the chill sensation you feel when you eat chili peppers burn the metabolism and make it run faster and make your body lose weight, Chili peppers contain capsaicin, a chemical compound that can kick metabolism into higher gear and you don’t need to eat too much of it to get results, you can take a tablespoon of chopped chili peppers to a meal once a day and it will help you lose weight.

Whole Grains

Whole grains is the next option of to make your body lose weight with faster metabolism rate, it helps your body burn more fat because it is hard for your system to break down and digest grains as compare to white bread and pasta so body needs to work hard to digest it and it make your metabolism to rub faster, plus whole foods that are rich in fiber including brown rice and oatmeal, are great for your tummy and help you get in better shape too.


Caffeine “naturally” stimulates your central nervous system and it can heat up your internal system, you just need to take daily cup of coffee and it can boost metabolism by five to eight percent and when you take it early morning before you go for your walk then it will not only increase your metabolisms, but it will make your exercise much affective too.


Vinegar has a ton of health properties including the ability to burn fat, and you can try any vinegar to try that, but nothing work better than Acv for this, actually, the acid in vinegar send the signals genes in the body to break down fat and it is best if you take one cup of hot water with one tablespoon of Acv in it 5 times a day, you will see your losing weight in days.


Citric fruits are the best and the simplest way to make your Boost Metabolism rub faster and it is yummy too so when you need something sweet and yummy to eat an keep your weight in limit too, then you should try something citric, any fruit or juice like grapefruit or orange and it will help you lose weight too.

Egg whites

Egg whites are rich in branched-chain amino acids, which keep your Boost Metabolism run fasted and batter, and for that you just need to take one or two egg whites and porch it and enjoy with a slice of whole grain and it will not only keep your feel fuller logger, but will make you lose faster too.

How to Lose Weight Without Exercise At Home

Lose weight without exercise is not impossible in this era. You can maintain it by making some healthy changes and technique in your daily diet and life style, just you have to count your calories and note down it daily. Here we give you some tips and tricks by some experts which are very meaningful in Lose weight without exercise.


It is obvious that you have to burn more calories as compared to your intake. Evaluate the calories in the form of items which you daily eat and count it at the end of the day. Check your basal metabolic rate (BMR). In this way you can calculate how many calories you need to lose weight. It is best to lose one pound per week. Gradually weight loosing is more effective than lose many kgs in short time.

Eat Foods that Take a Time to Digest


Eating such items that take longer to breakdown, it will keep your metabolism busy and you feel heavy for longer time. Take that food which is full of fiber such as raspberries, apples, pears, in vegetables broccoli peas, in nuts such as beans and almond, in grains like bran flakes and barley.

Lose Weight Without Exercise to Uses of Herbal Tea and Water

Drink a glass of water or a cup of herbal tea before each meal. This water will help you feeling of satisfaction although you eat less.

Try to use smaller plates and teaspoons. Always makes apportion of your foods and divided it in more chunks. Cut meal into smaller pieces, it gives a satisfaction of your requirement.

Manage your eating schedule, it is much better to have your meals around the same time each day. A regular food schedule can be helpful in such a way that it permits to burn the right amount of calories.

Don’t eat during watching television or sitting in front of computer, as you are not mentally engaged in eating try to relish each bites as you take it, which give you a satisfaction felling full.

Stress and Anxiety

Stress create a feel of hunger when you are not hungry it add extra calories in your diet. So in stress you do such activities like playing musical instrument or reading.

Set a target time it should be at least two or three hours before going to bed. If you feel craving of food than its better to take a cup of herbal tea or a glass of water and sip it slowly. It’s a tricky way to satisfy your brain that you feel full.

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